Friday, December 21, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

Did I tell you that this is the first year I have decorated for Christmas in 3 years in my own home.  Living in Africa for 2 years makes all of this seem so frivolous.  Do we need all of this?  Mmmm, it really had made me think deeper about what we do for Christmas in the United States.  So I spent many hours going through all of the totes in the large Man Shed out back, and deciding what we really want to use and keep for Christmas decorations. 
I had 2 yard sales this summer to clean out all the extra's we had around our house, garage, and storage sheds.  It was time to let go of so many things I was simply holding on to and never use.  I still have plenty of extras that are stored in closets and sheds that I really still don't use.  But with 3 pick-up loads to the local second had store, and 3 loads to the dump plus all that we sold at the yard sales!  So when I was going through the Christmas totes I still had 2 large boxes to give away! 
I still wanted to decorate for my grandkids, and so my decorating is 100 times simpler than it ever has been, but the change is well needed.  There is little greenery with lights, just green, but after 3 years the little girls came through the door, and into the kitchen and said, Grandma your house is beautiful.  That is who it is for, to have a fun celebration of Christ's birth with them.
I have nativity's from many different countries that we brought back from Africa and Germany last year.  I still look for one in each country we visit, and that is the real reason we celebrate Christmas.  For His Birth. 


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