Friday, November 16, 2018

Fall Watercolor Practice Paintings

I have been practicing my watercolor art.

Usually I paint flowers, but I took a class a few months
ago and so I tried a few different painting
which are very out of my comfort zone.

I've been wanting to paint a window with a rocks
around it.  This is my first try on this, I'm sure there
will be many more to come, but trying to get
out of my comfort zone.

Then my daughter bought a princess pumpkin while I was
visiting her, and I decided to paint it one evening.

Oh how I love how it turned out.
I must try more pumpkins when time allows.

I wish I had painted more this fall.
But alas, this with change in time.  I will
have more time in the winter.
The yard took my time this fall while 
I was back from California.

Let me know what you think of my
try at watercolor paintings.
They are not the best, but I will
continue to practice until I get  it right.



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