Sunday, December 30, 2018

A New Year, A New Way

I just read an article that encourages people,
anyone to blog.  I first started years ago blogging 
on a business blog.  It has posts directed towards being very creative.
For years I posted every week. 
In my posts were ideas of how to use the product line I had created
and sharing talents that I am gifted with.

Now 14 years later my daughter continues to support the blog with 
a team of creative people sharing now, her product line.
It is fun to know I was a part of that blog and that it continues to
have many readers.

Today I am on my own blogging again with my own personal blog.
This requires myself to be true to me.
Meaning, there are no deadline dates that I have to keep, 
or certain days I need to post.
But the need to share what I do at home with the world has become a 
part of my happy time.  Why not share?
Why not keep myself busy with little tasks to do.  The need to keep
my mind busy and going is important to me.

This post is just a reminder to myself that anyone can share anything.
My sharing is different from others, but as the article said,
keep on sharing what is in your mind, what is going on in your life,
and possibly what gifts you are given to share with others.

I had an assignment today in church which required a bit of
preparation and a lot of discussion with my husband so I could feel
adequate to full fill my assignment.  Currently he is driving a 
truck "hot shotting" as they call it, to bring extra income into our home
to offset expenses in our older age.  He wasn't supposed to be 
back for my presentation, but surprised me this morning as he sat
down next to me on the pew, I had left the house 2 hours before to go
to meetings and prepare the room for my presentation.

I'm not sure how many husbands are that dedicated to their wives 
to sleep in the truck and be back home to listen to a presentation of sorts.
What I do know is that I love this man.

He drove through a blizzard only to arrive at a hotel to find that the 
room he had scheduled had been given away because the person
at the desk had not recorded or set up the room for him.
He has been going to that hotel for over a year, and never had this
problem before.  Ahhh, yes, he is sleeping right now.
The presentation of the day is over for me, he is sleeping after
driving for 2 full days and cat naps on the way, safe and sound.
I know he doesn't tell me these things on the phone when we talk so that
I will not fret over his safety.  Silly hotel people.  We all forget something
during our day, and he is safe.  God blessed him.

I will try to blog more about things going on in life,
and more importantly about the good I see,
the changes in my life, and of course, the talents I can share 
and creations that I come up with now and then.

Come along with me as I take this journey in my life.
This will be a learning journey for sure.


Friday, December 21, 2018

December Daily - Light the World Journaling book

I'm so excited that I can share the pages of my
Light the World book with you.
In the scrapbook world, they would call this a
December Daily book.
Journaling the events that take place in the month of
December.  I have chosen to record my events
through the Light the World campaign and
do my recording just a little different way.

How did I serve?

Each time I pass my book on the table
in the family room, I am reminded to do something
for someone else.

This was a great project for me, not only to make a journaling book
but to also put in front of me a reminder that 
I need to serve someone else today.

I bound the book myself with a binding machine that
I bought years ago when the scrapbooking
business was going great guns.  Who didn't need 
one of these in their creating room? 
Well, not everyone I guess, but this is a machine
that I use regularly, and has become a great
friend.  Instead of spending more money on someone
else binding my books, I was able to bind my own,
and put my own twist to the book.

many, many years later,
I am still using my binding machine!


Here are the rest of the pages of my
Light the World journaling book.

Really, it is a fabulous December Daily,
and it has a true purpose to help me become a better person
as I add my service in it each day.

And there you have it.

The rest of the book.

I actually have a few more pages with pictures of Dana and I
on them.  We really don't take many pictures at Christmas,
and maybe I should be better at that,
but the few we have, are on the other pages.

And a poster from the Church that was on our Church bulletin
board.  They throw them away at the end of the 
season, so I asked for it. 
It is the picture that is used for the Light the World

My mother had an original painting of this picture, given
to her by her mother.  It hung on the walls of her 
home from the time she received it until 
she and dad died.  It is such a special picture of Mary
and her precious son Jesus.

I was so excited to see that as the poster for Light the World.

It makes the event even more precious to me.

Merry Christmas!


Friday, December 14, 2018

Light the World Journaling Book / December Daily

I'm way past 8 days!

I started showing my December Daily book
that is focused on Light the World 
campaign, and I only posted 8 days.

8 days go by fast!
So here are the rest of my pages
in my December Daily book for Lighting the World.

This year it has been suggested to do a 
service a week, instead of 
25 days of service,  but I still continue to
record my service for each day of the week.

I added numbers to the pages, and am so in love with them!

They are cut out on my cricut using the font from the Sophisticated 
cartridge.  One of my favorite fonts.

It brings such character to the pages!

When I created the book, I just went through my files of
Christmas papers and such, to design the pages.
Then just cut and glued as I went.

I love the ornaments that have a scripture to go along with the
day.  I found these on the Red headed hostess blog
I think.  I love her stuff.

I'm still plugging along each day, thinking of something to do
that day for service.

It is always interesting to me how easy it is to serve 
someone else.  I read a book years ago that 
challenged you in one of the chapters to do more
service and to record what you do.

I took on that challenge, and it changed my life. 
Who would have thought that after that,
I would spend many hours a week serving others.

It may be a few hours in the temple,
or it may be my neighbor, my grown children,
my close friends, or just someone at the 
grocery store.  But what I have learned from this new
challenge that day, was I became a better person.

I started thinking less of myself and more about the needs
of other people, and seriously, how can that
not make you a better person!

Enjoy Lighting the World.


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Book of Mormon Journaling

This year I decided to read and journal the Book of Mormon
a little bit differently.

I printed out a copy of the Book of Mormon in 8.5x11 size and journaled
on the edges of the pages.

Here is page one.

I added my journaling of the words on the page that I wanted
to emphasize and some washi tape at the top.

This was my first try on the pages and I learned a few things.

1.  I used a black microfelt pen and it bled through to the back side of the page.
2.  I also used rubber stamps and they worked great, but still have that "same" look.
3.  Colored pencils work better and don't bleed through.
4.  The washi tape is a good way to mark things and emphasize items on that page.
5.  I learned over time to become a little more creative.
6.  I started using my old stash of stickers to make the pages more colorful.

Here are a few more pages 

Here you can see the heart stamps are cute, but the same design isn't that great.
Especially for a really cute page.

I love how using the washi tape that it brings a nice edge to the page.

 As I was reading about Lehi's dream, I wondered how it would be easy
for me to find the different meanings of the dream.
So I boxed them in with blue color to the edge of the box.

I love sharing these pages.  
I'm not the very best at making these fabulous,
but I have learned so much by doing this project.

I will continue to share pages out of my book.
I so love the Book of Mormon!
It brings so much peace to my life, and helps me in each and every
day of my living.


Share you ideas with me too!.