Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mr. Lucas

I always love to find 
fun pictures of our grandchildren.

These pictures were
extras from Robyn of Mr. Lucas.

Boy photos are always a little
harder to find,
and ideas for them even harder.

I think I will have some in a few days
to work on again, these
were just fabulous photos
of this young
energetic grandson.

I love how his orange
shirt just pops out on the page.
the paper
blends in with his pants,
just jeans.

Great and fun day in the woods
in Alaska.

Robin's Nest Product
Glitter Spa Swirl
Spa Stripe
Glitter Daisy's
Yellow dew drops
Glitter Spring sticker

All these products can be found 
on our website

Have a great day!



1 comment:

Beeceecreativity said...

I love this one.. and always love multi photo pages the best.. they tell the story.