Grandkids came this weekend to spend Easter with
us, but also to pick up vehicles we have been storing in our
back, back yard. I counted all of his vehicles and
a trailer and it added up to 15.
Well, good thing we live on 3/4 of an acre of property,
and the nice part of the yard is fenced so you cannot see
all of this fun stuff!
4 vehicles have left the yard as of Sunday!
But the crowning part of the weekend were the grand
children. All of their excitement just to come to
grandma's house, and Easter was a bonus as well.
We did projects.
Each one of the grand kids made a treasure box.
Grandpa made each of them a wooden box with a lid.
We pulled out the paper, scissors, glue.
Covered our boxes with what treasures the kids liked.
Each one of them having quite a different personality.
Did I take pictures of any of this?
I'm so out of practice for sure when photo's should be
taken! Then we colored eggs. The kids just having so much
fun, some eggs have lots of layers of colors!
And I got to just enjoy the day with them.
This is where my joy comes on these days.
After everyone left, the house seemed so quiet.
Dana left too, they gave him a ride to SL
to get on a plane and help our son in Georgia move.
Packing the trucks and trailers.
And now driving, driving, driving.
I didn't go in the craft room on Sunday.
I just spent the day, relaxing after all the noise of 5
grandchildren had dissipated into thin air.
But on Monday, I found a note from one of the grands
on my table, thanking me for all the things we
did, and impressed that I never got mad the whole
weekend! Funny, hard to get mad at such
cute kids. We just had fun.
We just enjoyed life.
Thanks for coming!